How to get Torque Pro to work on XTRONS Android Auto car entertainment unit.

First install Torque Pro on your phone. 

I'm not sure if you have to, but you should to support it!

Find the App!

From Android Auto, go to Home.

Navigate to the Apps, and start the package installer.

Use installer to install included Torque package.

Navigate home and then Apps to find it.

Additional steps that may be needed to follow...

40 Years of My Cars

Why do this?

I started compiling a list of my cars, and I was curious what insights I might have with a statistical analysis of it. When I was nearing completion, having learned what I had wanted, I thought there might be a higher use of this. I think it is a good example of using a free compatible spreadsheet, LibreOffice Calc, doing analysis using pivot tables and charts. 

When did this happen?

This happened right after I said "good-bye" to my Mercedes E320.

Python Modules


Python Classes


#/usr/bin/env python3 from picamera import PiCamera from time import sleep camera = PiCamera() camera.start_preview() camera.start_recording('/home/pi/video.h264') sleep(10) camera.stop_recording() camera.stop_preview()

Simple Working Camera

Basic Video

Here's my profile: My TryHackMe Profile

Baseline creation

Vulnerability assessment

Risk assessment





Coordination with government

Coordination with security professionals

Assessment of risk

Allocation of appropriate resoures


Compliance reviews

Network and Host configuration reviews

Code and API reviews

Policies and Procedures


Hardening and documentation of endpoints



Hardening and documentation of networks



Implementation of Firewall services

Implementation of Proxy services

Implementation of EDR/IPS/IDS on endpoin

An unfinished list of websites and software to know for CyberSecurity Analyst CySA+

Sites to Know

AT&T Alien Labs (Level Blue) OpenThreat Exchange: InfraGard


InfraGard is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and members of the private sector for the protection of U.S.

Security Onion

While prepping for CySA+, I worked with this open source SIEM in a simulated environment. I was intrigued and wanted to give it a try. 

Tonight, I installed a Proxmox virtual machine to run the evaluation installation of Security Onion 2.4.7 from: The download is nearly 12 Gb, which I downloaded to /var/lib/vz/templates/iso/ so that I could pick the ISO file to install a virtual machine.

The FlipperZero (F0) does offer an important feature which can enhance the owner's security. Instead of relying solely on a phone for a second factor of authentication, you can use the Universal Second Factor (U2F) implemented on the F0.

What is U2F?

Who Supports U2F?

Facebook, Google, YouTube, X, etc.

On Flipper

Start USB MassStorage App

To begin create a new image which is a copy of the data on your Flipper

Select the image

The image will be shared

On Linux

Open two terminal windows/tabs.

Leaving running the command dmesg --follow

Connect the Flipper Zero

Output similar to below should should be shown in your terminal running dmesg or type the dmesg command to compare.
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